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*Savings may vary based on local or regional shipping. However, generally, savings will be based on the number of packages you ship per month; multiplied by the average costs per shipment for SMB List Rate customers; and then divided by the discount offer. If there are any discrepancies between Purolator’s calculation discount and any other parties’ calculation of the discount, Purolator’s calculation shall govern.
*Offer for a fixed discount up to 60% is available until October 31, 2022 to Michaels’ customers, for select Purolator services, if you qualify to create a new Purolator business account. The fixed discount of 60% on Purolator Express Domestic, Express US, Ground US, and International Shipments services used by you in the first 90 days following your date of enrolment in the special offer, will be calculated based on Purolator's published list rates, available on Additionally, a fixed discount of 40% on Purolator Domestic Ground Shipments, also calculated based on Purolator's published list rates, will be available to you during these 90 days. These discounts cannot be combined with other discounts and discounts are not applicable to surcharges.
Discounts offered through Purolator Promotional Plans cannot be combined with any other Purolator discounts, savings plans or waivers. Additional terms and conditions apply. See Purolator Promotional Plans for more information.
*Certain terms, conditions and geographic restrictions apply (including point of origin and destination guarantee restrictions and money-back guarantee restrictions). In most cases, end of day means 6 p.m. See Purolator Terms and Conditions of Service for full details. To select Canadian and U.S. destinations, delivery will be on the day specified by Purolator.
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Purolator Inc | 2727 Meadowpine Blvd | Mississauga | ON | L5N 0E1 | 1 888 SHIP-123 |