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Tap into the largest U.S. to Canada logistics shipping solution

Discover the difference a customized Canadian shipping solution can make to your business
and your logistics operations. Purolator International is a leading freight, package and
logistics provider with 60+ years delivering in Canada and 20+ years experience crossing
the Canadian/U.S. border1 so you can deliver to the north - and to all corners of
the country - seamlessly.

Choose Purolator and take advantage of the
largest shipping network in Canada

When you trust Purolator to deliver for your business, you can trust that your shipments will
get there, along with over 1 million packages picked up and delivered daily.2

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Broad Coverage
and Reach

Complete coast-to-coast coverage to 99.9% of all Canadian postal codes.3

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Multiple and flexible shipping options to meet your needs

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Adaptable IT integration for complete visibility and specialized reporting.

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Exceptional customer service to proactively manage your business and shipments.

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Complete Suite
of Services

Single source to consolidate both courier and LTL shipments

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Deep Canadian expertise with reliable cross-border regulatory knowledge

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Deliver your
Canadian promises.

Speak to a representative to learn about making your
cross-border shipping into Canada more efficient.

Get Started

1Purolator International (2021)

2 OPVAT Development QV dashboard, calculated per diem. Based in 2019 average of over 1 million pieces processed (picked-up and delivered) per day.

3 Purolator Inc., Service Directory. May 2022.