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Make yourself at home with a range of reliable delivery services.

Whether it's to, from or within Canada, ship with confidence knowing that Purolator can help you meet and exceed your customers' expectations.

Purolator Express
Guaranteed2 delivery within Canada by End of Day the next business day, where possible, for time-sensitive shipments.
Purolator Ground
Delivery In Canada by End of Day within one or more business days for less urgent shipments.
The most extensive Canadian network
We service 99.9% of Postal Codes*
Worldwide Shipping
Ship to more than 210 countries and territories wordwide

Delivering for Canadians, by Canadians, for over 55 years

We take pride in being Canadian and contributing to the success of businesses throughout the country. As part of our commitment to deliver the future, and stay ahead of the changing expectations of our customers, employees and all Canadians, we're investing over $1 billion in growth and innovation over the next five years.

Have a question or need a customized shipping solution?

We're here to help your business succeed with insights and best practices. Contact an account representative at 1 888 SHIP 123 .